ASK is a project of Evangelism and New Churches of the Sydney Anglican diocese. David Robertson is the director of the project and host of the podcast. The purpose of the podcast is the same as the project - in the words of Jesus - Ask, Seek and Knock. We encourage people to ask questions and discuss. We desire to share the truth, beauty, love and life of Jesus Christ. We know that people have lots of questions. We don‘t pretend to have all the answers but we do think that having conversations with all different kinds of people will help in our search for truth. Everyone - of whatever background, opinion or view....is welcome. Enjoy....and please feel free to pass on any questions, suggestions and comments.

Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Coffee with Habakkuk 3 - The Paralysed Law
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Habakkuk 1:4 - We too often tend to assume that the law is equal for all, and that it is just and fair....but what happens if it isn't? Habakkuk reflects on this....