ASK is a project of Evangelism and New Churches of the Sydney Anglican diocese. David Robertson is the director of the project and host of the podcast. The purpose of the podcast is the same as the project - in the words of Jesus - Ask, Seek and Knock. We encourage people to ask questions and discuss. We desire to share the truth, beauty, love and life of Jesus Christ. We know that people have lots of questions. We don‘t pretend to have all the answers but we do think that having conversations with all different kinds of people will help in our search for truth. Everyone - of whatever background, opinion or view....is welcome. Enjoy....and please feel free to pass on any questions, suggestions and comments.

Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Coffee and Colossians 82 - The Life Appears
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Colossians 3:4 - filmed in the beauty of Crombie park in Angus - we look at what it means when the 'hidden life' appears - when Christ returns in glory.

Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Coffee and Colossians 81 - A Hidden Life
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Colossians 3:3 - What is the hidden life in Christ? Why is it hidden? With some help from Terence Malik's 'A Hidden Life'....

Monday Jul 24, 2023
Coffee and Colossians 80 - Set Your Minds
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Ch3 v.2 - What does it mean to set your minds on what is above? Does it matter how we think? Should we only think about spiritual things?

Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Coffee and Colossians 78 - Restraining Sensual Indulgence
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Thursday Jul 20, 2023
Colossians 2:23 - How do we restrain sensual indulgence? Will self imposed worship, false humility or the harsh treatment of the body? Why are the rules and regulations of this world useless...?

Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Coffee and Colossians 77 - Rules and Regulations of the World
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Colossians 2:21-22 - What are the rules of this world? Why is the Christian free from them? Why would we want to return to them?

Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Coffee and Colossians 76 - Dying with Christ
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Tuesday Jul 18, 2023
Colossians 2:20 - Why are we not under the authority of other spiritual forces? Why are we not bound by the rules of religion? Because we died with Christ. What does that mean?

Monday Jul 17, 2023
Coffee and Colossians 75 - The Headless Church
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Colossians 2:19 - What's wrong with the Church? Far too often it is headless....What does that mean? Photo by iam_os on Unsplash

Friday Jul 14, 2023
Coffee and Colossians 74 - Worshipping Angels
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Colossians 2:18 - What does it mean to boast in the worship of angels? Can we have angelic experiences? How should we regard them? Why are angels so popular in secular culture?

Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Coffee and Colossians 73 - False and True Humility
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Colossians 2:18 - What is false humility? What is real humility? Why does it matter? And how would it disqualify us?

Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Coffee and Colossians 72 - Shadows and Reality with the Cave
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Colossians 2:17 - What is the difference between the shadows and reality? How would we know? With the help of Plato and Mumford and Sons we examine this issue...